Collins French Dictionary and Grammar, 2014
Electronic Resource
Dictionnaire historique de la langue française, 2012
WOO Reference, PC2625 .D555 2012 (Vol. 1-3)
Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French, 2010
Electronic Resource
Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: French-English, 2010
Electronic Resource
The Oxford-Hachette French dictionary: French-English, English-French = Le grande dictionnaire Hach
WOO Reference, PC2640 .O94 2007
The Oxford Hachette French dictionary: French-English, English-French
WOO Main, PC2640 .O94 2001
Le nouveau petit Robert: dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française, 1995
WOO Reference, PQ305 .D5 1995
Encyclopedia of modern French thought, 2004
WOO Reference, DC33.7 .E55 2004
Encyclopedia of modern French thought
2004, Electronic Resource
The feminist encyclopedia of French literature, 1999
WOO Main, PQ149 .F47 1999
The feminist encyclopedia of French literature, 1999
Electronic Resource
Encyclopedia of contemporary French culture, 1998
WOO Reference, DC33.7 .E53 1998
Encyclopedia of contemporary French culture, 1998
Electronic Resource
Electronic Resource
Understanding core French grammar, 2016
Electronic Resource
A comprehensive French grammar, 2007
Electronic Resource
French grammar: a complete reference guide, 2005
WOO Main, PC2112 .C26 2005
Modern French grammar: a practical guide, 2004
Electronic Resource
WOO Reference, PC2112 .L485 1999