A specialized collection of resources supporting PreK-12 teachers and students, located on the third floor of Andrews Library. The ERC includes teacher idea books, kits, and several thousand award-winning children's and young adult literature titles, arranged by Library of Congress subject letters.
The Juvenile Literature collection is divided in two sections: PreK - 3 (blue dots) and Grades 4-12 (orange dots). The majority of the collection is available for circulation, both on and off campus.
Idea Books and Kits can be browsed by subject sticker categories such as Alphabet, Phonics & Spelling, Drama, Math, Music, or Science. For nonfiction children's or youth books, check the corresponding subject letter:
A General Works M Music
B Philosophy, Psychology, Religion N Art
C Archaeology, Biography P Literature
D World History Q Math, Science, Computers
E - F History of the Americas R Medicine
G Geography, Anthropology, Recreation S Agriculture
H Social Sciences T Technology, Photography
J Political Science U Military Science
K Law V Naval Science
L Education Z Bibliographies, Reviews, Library Science