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MUSC 140 / 240 / 401 / 451 - Voice and Opera - De Lapp-Culver: Finding Journals

Resources for students taking courses or individualized instruction in Voice and Opera.

Finding journals in the library

Once you have a citation:

→  Search by specific title and/or author in the databases to locate a record for the article. 

→  Follow the HTML or PDF link to the article full text in the database - then read, download, or print OR

→  Use the  Check for Full Text button/link found in many of the databases AND/OR

→  Use the Journal Finder link/tab on the libraries home page and search by the TITLE of the journal or magazine  AND

→  If the journal is not available in print or online at Wooster, the article may be requested from another library through The ILL Portal AND/OR

→  If you need help at any point, you can visit the Research and Referral Desk, located in Andrews Library, or you can refer to the Libraries Help page for more options.