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RUSS 240 - Imagining Siberia - Prof. Rewinski, (Fall 2024): Requesting a Book

How Do I Get Books from Other Schools?

Requesting Books in CONSORT

Once you have identified books or other materials in CONSORT you need to get them.  If the item has a location beginning with WOO you should have ready access to it in our libraries.  If it has another location then you may be able to request it to be delivered to Wooster for you to pick up and check out.  For an item to be available for request the status of the item must read Check Shelves. To place a request:

Click the Request button next to the item on the results list page or, once viewing the full record, click the Request this Item link at the top of the page.

You will then go to a page where you will enter your full name and the bar code number from the back of your C.O.W. card.  Click enter and it will indicate that your request was successful.  You should receive an e-mail message notifying you when the book arrives and you can pick it up and check it out at the Andrews Library circulation desk.

Requesting Books from OhioLINK

The request process in OhioLINK is very similar.  You will first click the Request button.  You will have one additional step to identify the institution you are affiliated with before you fill in your name and bar code number.