As you begin your research it can be helpful to locate some books on your topic. You can use CONSORT, the online catalog of library materials, to find relevant books.
Expanding Your Search for Books One of the keys to conducting research is to find the correct terms used in any database you are searching. In the CONSORT catalog that would be the Subject headings (terms). Once you find and item that is highly relevant you can look at the full record and look at the Subjects. You can click on a specific subject in order to find other items with that same heading. These items should be similar in the nature of the topic covered.
Another method for expanding your search for books and other resources is to perform a search in CONSORT and once you have examined the results there, return to the results page and click the red Search OhioLink button at the top of the page
You can now browse the collections of over 90 other libraries in Ohio and request items be delivered to you here at Wooster (see the Requesting Books tab above).