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FYS - Understanding Capitalism - Prof. Mellizo, (Fall 2024): Where is it?

Where is it?

Where do I find current journals and magazines?

Current journals and magazines can be found on the main floor of Gault Library on a wall across from the Welcome Desk (Gault 1).  They are shelved in alphabetical order by title.

Where do I find current newspapers such as the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, or the Wooster Daily Record?

Current newspapers are also  located on the main floor of Gault Library near the Welcome Desk.  They are on shelves opposite the current journals and magazines.  They too are in alphabetical order.

I need an older issue of a journal, magazine or newspaper.  Where can I find it?

If you can't find older issues of journals, magazines, or newspapers in the current bins they may be in one of several places: 1)  Older, bound volumes of some journals and magazines are on the lower two levels of Andrews Library.  They will be organized by Library of Congress call number.  You can find the call number in the CONSORT library catalog by doing a JOURNAL TITLE search for the title.  2) Some older issues of newspapers and magazines (mostly titles that are weekly) can be found in microfiche or microfilm format in the room at the bottom of the stairs to Andrews Library Lower 2.  The cabinets to your left as you enter the room are microfilm and the cabinets to your right are microfiche.  There are guide cards on top of the cabinets to indicate the drawers for each title.  They are in alphabetical order by title.

Where do I find books in the library?

The book collection is on the top 2 floors of the Andrews and Gault Libraries.  A-L are on the top floor of Andrews and Gault Libraries and M-Z are on the 2nd level of Andrews and Gault Libraries.

Some Useful Starting Points