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FREN-39902 Tracing Colonial Racism

For Books

This guide is NOT at all comprehensive. The specific resources I've located on your behalf and added to this guide will not be sufficient on their own, nor will they speak to everyone's topics in the class. I encourage you to do your own searching! So where do you start? Start by searching for books (and e-book) by using the main tabs on the library homepage.


Summon searches everything that the library has access to in an easy interface. This is a good and a bad thing. It typically returns WAY too many search results and not all of them are highly relevant. If you use it to search for e-books, make sure to limit to books/e-books on the left sidebar. If just a call number is listed, it's a physical book. If there's a link, however, it's likely an e-book that you can access with just a couple more clicks.


This is my favorite place to search for books. You can also do an advanced search in CONSORT and limit by "type." Change up your keywords! Consider many different ways of saying something. You can try French language keywords, too, though your results will be more limited.