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Summon: Getting Started

What is Summon?

Summon is a "discovery layer" that allows you to search the content owned and accessible to the College of Wooster Libraries, using a Google-like interface. This includes specific journal, book, media and Digital Resource Commons (DRC) content.

Use Summon When...

  • you are first starting your research, to get ideas or background info
  • you have had difficulty finding sources in other databases
  • you need an alternative to Google - easy searching , but with more credible results 

Do Not Use Summon When...

  • you want specific books or media in a library catalog, instead try CONSORT or OhioLINK
  • you want business research, specifically country, company or industry reports
  • you want legal research, specifically legal journal titles, case reports, or legislation
  • you want the advanced features of searching a specific database

Summon: An Introduction

Help! I'm stuck

Please contact the Research and Referral Desk for personal assistance.

To report a Summon problem, use this form.


Special thanks to the Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries for allowing us to adapt portions of their Summon LibGuide for our own use.