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Religious Studies: Home

Research resources for Religious Studies majors and those researching aspects of religious or spiritual life


Throughout this Guide are resources to get you started researching in the area of Religious Studies. Depending on your topic, you may also find the Guides in History, MusicPhilosophy and Sociology to be helpful. Further assistance is available at the Research and Referral Desk in the Andrews Library, or by directly contacting the liaison librarian, Elys Kettling Law.

Browsing in Religious Studies

The College of Wooster Libraries use the Library of Congress classification for materials. Religious Studies resources are most often found in the Libraries under the following Library of Congress call letters: 

       BL    Religions, Mythology, Natural Theology
       BM   Judaism
       BP   Islam, Bahaism
       BQ   Buddhism
       BR   Christianity
       BS   The Bible
       BT   Doctrinal Theology
       BV   Practical Theology
       BX   Christian Denominations

Religious Symbols

Religious syms

By User:Rursus (File:Religious syms.png by Manop) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Religious Studies Database Recommendations

Interdisciplinary Database Recommendations

Need Help?

Profile Photo
Elys Kettling Law
Research & Info Services Librarian
Andrews Library CoRE, 158 D
330.263.2443 (office phone)

Search Strategy Worksheet

Before searching a topic in a database, is often helpful to first identify relevant topic keywords, and to group those keyword options by broad concepts, to form a search strategy. Here is a worksheet to help with that.