A key source of chemical information. Search for articles, substances, and reactions using a variety of powerful tools. Includes chemical properties, commercial sources, and regulatory information in addition to research articles. Note: You must register for an account in order to use SciFinder.
Coverage: 1900-present
Includes books, journal articles, and conference proceedings from across all scientific disciplines and provides comprehensive citation searching. Also includes coverage articles in Social Sciences (1900-present) and Arts & Humanities (1975-present).
An open access database of chemical structures, names, properties, information sources, and other data. Also links to premade searches on Google Scholar and PubMed.
The most comprehensive database for biomedical sciences. Coverage of chemical literature is focused on bioactivity, pharmacology, and toxicology. The MEDLINE database, which makes up the bulk of PubMed, is also searchable in SciFinder.
Indexes journals and conference proceedings, primarily from physics, computer science, and electrical engineering. Also includes some physical chemistry.
Use a simple interface to find chemical information, including structures, identifiers, properties, biological activity, and other data. Information is shared with ChemSpider.