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#ResearchProTips - Past Library Workshops: Using Library Ebooks

Library Drop-In Workshops Offered in the Past - Useful Notes and Links


The Libraries now offer a wide variety of electronic books on various platforms. This is a demonstration and hands-on session to learn how to use effectively our electronic books for your research.

1. Learn about the various interfaces of electronic books.

Learn that our electronic books in the different interfaces can function a little differently. You will learn what to look for to know how to work within an unfamiliar interface.

2. Learn the options available to you when you create an account within an electronic book interface.

Many of the electronic book databases offer special functions to those who create accounts within their web site. You will learn the value-added features when you create such accounts.

3. Printing from electronic books.

Learn the options you have and the best methods of printing from the different electronic book interfaces.

4. Downloading electronic books.

Learn the options you have for downloading from the various electronic book interfaces, from page downloads, chapter downloads, or entire book downloads.


Finding Tools for Ebooks

Electronic Book Sites and Examples

Below is a selected list of electronic book (ebook) collections and examples. Other electronic books can be found by searching your topic in CONSORT or Summon.

Other Resources