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U.S. Congressional Serial Set Finding List: Annual Reports, Commercial Relations of the United States (S 4.1:, C 10.8:, C 18.16:)

Annual Reports, Commercial Relations of the United States (S 4.1:, C 10.8:, C 18.16:)

In 1854, a Statistical Office was set up within the Department of State to prepare an annual report on commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations. The agency name changed in 1874 to the Bureau of Statistics and again in 1897 to the Bureau of Foreign Commerce (to avoid confusion with other Statistics Bureaus). In 1903, the Bureau of Foreign Commerce and the Treasury Department's Bureau of Statistics were merged and transferred to the new Department of Commerce and Labor as the Bureau of Statistics for that executive department. This particular title, however, ended up under the auspices of the Manufactures Bureau under 1912 before moving to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce in the Commerce Department.

1855-1902 S 4.1: State Department, Bureau of Statistics/Foreign Commerce
1904-1912 C 10.8: Commerce & Labor Department, Bureau of Manufactures
1913-1953 C 18.16: Commerce Department, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce

(Andriot 133, 141, 681; Checklist 357, 921)

Date Congress Session Type Volume Number Serial Set Volume
1855 34th 1st S.exec.doc.
19 pts.1-4
10 pts.1-4
107 pts.1-4
47 pts. 1-4
1856 34th 3rd S.exec.doc.
1857 35th 1st S.exec.doc.
1858 35th 2nd S.exec.doc.
1859 36th 1st H.exec.doc. 2 4 1044
1860 36th 2nd S.exec.doc. 9 6 1088
1861 37th 2nd H.exec.doc. 4 45 1130
1862 37th 3rd H.exec.doc. 12 63 1169
1863 38th 1st H.exec.doc. 10 41 1190
1864 38th 2nd H.exec.doc. 11 60 1227
1865 39th 1st H.exec.doc. 10 56 1260
1866 39th 2nd H.exec.doc. 13 81 1295
1867 40th 2nd H.exec.doc. 14 160 1340
1868 40th 3rd H.exec.doc. 14 87 1382
1869 41st 3rd H.exec.doc. 6 18 1452 pt.
1870 41st 3rd H.exec.doc. 8 93 1454 pt.
1871 42nd 2nd H.exec.doc. 18 220 1523
1872 42nd 3rd H.exec.doc. 10 160 1568
1873 43rd 1st H.exec.doc. 13 143 1611
1874 43rd 2nd H.exec.doc. 16 157 1649
1875 44th 1st H.exec.doc. 15 166 1692
1876 44th 2nd H.exec.doc. 12 45 1759
1877 45th 2nd H.exec.doc. 22 102 1814
1878 45th 3rd H.exec.doc. 18 108 1860
1879 46th 2nd H.exec.doc. 25-26 90 pts.1-2 1926-1927
1880-1881 46th 3rd H.exec.doc. 30 98 1980
1882-1883 48th 1st H.exec.doc. 29-30 176 pts.1-2 2209-2210
1884-1885 49th 1st H.exec.doc. 34 253 2402
1886 49th 2nd H.exec.doc. 26-27 171 pts.1-2 2485-2486
1887 50th 1st H.exec.doc. 31 402 2563
1887-1888 51st 1st H.exec.doc. 44 437 2759
1888-1889 51st 2nd H.exec.doc. 29 70 2859
1890-1891 52nd 1st H.exec.doc. 37 204 2957 pt.
1891-1892 52nd 2nd H.exec.doc. 34 257 3109
1893 53rd 2nd H.exec.doc. 28 83 3225 pt.
1894-1895 54th 1st H.doc. 55-56 186 pts.1-2 3422-3423
1895-1896 54th 2nd H.doc. 64-65 323 pts.1-2 3540-3541
1896-1897 55th 2nd H.doc. 66-67 483 pts.1-2 3694-3695
1898 55th 3rd H.doc. 76-77 266 pts.1-2 3818-3819
1899 56th 1st H.doc. 96-97 481 pts.1-2 3993-3994
1900 56th 2nd H.doc. 90-91 380 pts.1-2 4164-4165
1901 57th 1st H.doc. 92-93 320 pts.1-2 4359-4360
1902 57th 2nd H.doc. 81-82 305 pts.1-2 4520-4521
1903 58th 2nd H.doc. 103-104 722 pts.1-2 4729-4730
1904 58th 3rd H.doc. 120 481 4899
1905 59th 1st H.doc. 115 940 5055
1906 59th 2nd H.doc. 78 354 5181
1907 60th 2nd H.doc. 87-88 1566 pts.1-2 5497-5498
1908 60th 2nd H.doc. 89-90 1567 pts.1-2 5499-5500
1909 61st 2nd H.doc. 86 121 5789
1910 61st 3rd H.doc. 96 1503 6040
1911 62nd 3rd H.doc. 78 959 6444
1912 62nd 3rd H.doc. 79 1452 6445


Disclaimer: This finding list is provided for general reference use only and is not indicative of the Serial Set or agency holdings at the College of Wooster. If you are looking for a report listed here, please check at your local depository library.