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U.S. Congressional Serial Set Finding List: Bulletins, Bureau of Labor Statistics (L 2.3:) (62nd Congress-70th Congress)

Bulletins, Bureau of Labor Statistics (L 2.3:) (62nd Congress-70th Congress)

When the Department of Labor was established in 1913, the former Bureau of Labor (C 8.) became the new Bureau of Labor Statistics (L 2.). The Bureau of Labor Statistics has become "the Government's principal factfinding agency in the field of labor economics," and one of the key series for distributing that information has been the Bulletins series. Because the Bulletins series actually began under the Bureau of Labor (La 1.3: and C 8.3:) and ran up through no.111, the numbering for the BLS Bulletins begins with no.112. In later years, recurring series within the BLS Bulletins series were split out and given different SuDocs numbers; see Andriot for further details. (Andriot 552) (This page covers the 62nd Congress-70th Congress.  See subsequent page for additional information.)

Number Congress Session Type Volume Number Serial Set Volume
no.112 62nd 3rd H.doc. 92 1402 6458
no.113 62nd 3rd H.doc. 91 1457 6457 pt.
no.114 62nd 3rd H.doc. 93 1459 6459
no.115 62nd 3rd H.doc. 91 1460 6457 pt.
no.116 62nd 3rd H.doc. 94 1461 6460 pt.
nos.117-118 62nd 3rd H.doc. 90 1462-1463 6456 pt.
no.119 62nd 3rd H.doc. 94 1467 6460 pt.
no.120 62nd 3rd H.doc. 95 1477 6461
no.121 62nd 3rd H.doc. 91 1478 6457 pt.
no.122 62nd 3rd H.doc. 94 1479 6460 pt.
no.123 62nd 3rd H.doc. 90 1480 pt. 6456 pt.
no.124 62nd 3rd H.doc. 96 1481 6462
no.125 62nd 3rd H.doc. 91 1482 6457 pt.
no.126 63rd 2nd H.doc. 114 301 6711
no.127 63rd 2nd H.doc. 116 302 6713 pt.
nos.128-129 63rd 2nd H.doc. 117 303-304 6714 pt.
no.130 63rd 2nd H.doc. 122 405 6719 pt.
no.131 63rd 2nd H.doc. 117 406 6714 pt.
no.132 63rd 2nd H.doc. 122 407 6719 pt.
no.133 63rd 2nd H.doc. 124 422 6721 pt.
no.134 63rd 2nd H.doc. 117 423 6714 pt.
no.135 63rd 2nd H.doc. 118 424 6715 pt.
no.136 63rd 2nd H.doc. 122 427 6719 pt.
no.137 63rd 2nd H.doc. 118 728 6715 pt.
no.138 63rd 2nd H.doc. 123 729 6720 pt.
no.139 63rd 2nd H.doc. 124 741 6721 pt.
no.140 63rd 2nd H.doc. 123 742 6720 pt.
no.141 63rd 2nd H.doc. 116 764 6713 pt.
no.142 63rd 2nd H.doc. 125 905 6722
no.143 63rd 2nd H.doc. 118 906 6715 pt.
nos.144-145 63rd 2nd H.doc. 124 907-908 6721 pt.
no.146 63rd 2nd H.doc. 118 939 6715 pt.
no.147 63rd 2nd H.doc. 119 940 6716 pt.
no.148 63rd 2nd H.doc. 126-127 941 6723-6724
no.149 63rd 2nd H.doc. 129 1051 6726
no.150 63rd 2nd H.doc. 119 1052 6716 pt.
no.151 63rd 2nd H.doc. 120 1053 6717
no.152 63rd 2nd H.doc. 128 1054 6725
nos.153-154 63rd 2nd H.doc. 121 1055-1056 6718
no.155 63rd 2nd H.doc. 115 1135 6712
no.156 63rd 3rd H.doc. 76 1439 6861 pt.
no.157 63rd 3rd H.doc. 69 1440 6854 pt.
no.158 63rd 3rd H.doc. 70 1441 6855
no.159 63rd 3rd H.doc. 71 1442 6856 pt.
no.160 63rd 3rd H.doc. 80 1443 6865 pt.
no.161 63rd 3rd H.doc. 77 1444 6862 pt.
no.162 63rd 3rd H.doc. 71 1445 6856 pt.
no.163 63rd 3rd H.doc. 77 1446 6862 pt.
no.164 63rd 3rd H.doc. 76 1447 6861 pt.
no.165 63rd 3rd H.doc. 69 1448 6854 pt.
no.166 63rd 3rd H.doc. 74 1539 6859
no.167 63rd 3rd H.doc. 72 1676 6857
no.168 63rd 3rd H.doc. 77 1677 6862 pt.
no.169 63rd 3rd H.doc. 75 1678 6860
no.170 63rd 3rd H.doc. 73 1679 6858 pt.
no.171 63rd 3rd H.doc. 78 1680 6863 pt.
no.172 63rd 3rd H.doc. 73 1681 6858 pt.
no.173 63rd 3rd H.doc. 79 1706 6864
no.174 63rd 3rd H.doc. 73 1707 6858 pt.
nos.175-176 63rd 3rd H.doc. 80 1708-1709 6865 pt.
nos.177-178 63rd 3rd H.doc. 78 1710-1711 6863 pt.
no.179 63rd 3rd H.doc. 69 1712 6854 pt.
no.180 64th 1st H.doc. 101 46 7055 pt.
no.181 64th 1st H.doc. 102 47 7056 pt.
no.182 64th 1st H.doc. 101 48 7055 pt.
no.183 64th 1st H.doc. 103 49 7057
no.184 64th 1st H.doc. 104 50 7058
no.185 64th 1st H.doc. 106 51 7060
no.186 64th 1st H.doc. 108 558 7062
no.187 64th 1st H.doc. 110 844 7064 pt.
no.188 64th 1st H.doc. 112 845 7066 pt.
no.189 64th 1st H.doc. 109 846 7063
no.190 64th 1st H.doc. 110 847 7064 pt.
no.191 64th 1st H.doc. 113 848 7067 pt.
no.192 64th 1st H.doc. 114 849 7068 pt.
no.193 64th 1st H.doc. 101 850 7055 pt.
no.194 64th 1st H.doc. 110 851 7064 pt.
nos.195-196 64th 1st H.doc. 114 1154-1155 7068 pt.
no.197 64th 1st H.doc. 105 1156 7059
no.198 64th 1st H.doc. 113 1157 7067 pt.
no.199 64th 1st H.doc. 115 1158 7069
no.200 64th 1st H.doc. 102 1159 7056 pt.
no.201 64th 1st H.doc. 112 1160 7066 pt.
no.202 64th 1st H.doc. 114 1161 7068 pt.
no.203 64th 1st H.doc. 107 1162 7061
no.204 64th 1st H.doc. 111 1163 7065
no.205 64th 1st H.doc. 112 1164 7066 pt.
no.206 64th 2nd H.doc. 80 1366 7206
no.207 64th 2nd H.doc. 81 1367 7207 pt.
no.208 64th 2nd H.doc. 82 1368 7208
no.209 64th 2nd H.doc. 81 1369 7207 pt.
no.210 64th 2nd H.doc. 83 1374 7209
no.211 64th 2nd H.doc. 85 1380 7211
no.212 64th 2nd H.doc. 84 2126 7210
no.213 64th 2nd H.doc. 86 2127 7212
no.214 64th 2nd H.doc. 87 2128 7213
no.215 64th 2nd H.doc. 88 2129 7214
no.216 65th 1st H.doc. 15 57 7280 pt.
no.217 65th 1st H.doc. 18 58 7283
no.218 65th 1st H.doc. 19 59 7284
no.219 65th 1st H.doc. 15 60 7280 pt.
no.220 65th 1st H.doc. 21 61 7286 pt.
no.221 65th 1st H.doc. 16 62 7281 pt.
no.222 65th 1st H.doc. 22 63 7287
no.223 65th 1st H.doc. 23 64 7288
no.224 65th 1st H.doc. 24 268 7289
no.225 65th 1st H.doc. 20 269 7285
no.226 65th 1st H.doc. 26 270 7291
no.227 65th 1st H.doc. 21 271 7286 pt.
no.228 65th 1st H.doc. 27 272 7292
no.229 65th 1st H.doc. 25 273 7290
no.230 65th 1st H.doc. 16 274 7281 pt.
no.231 65th 1st H.doc. 17 275 7282
no.232 65th 2nd H.doc. 76 589 7406 pt.
no.233 65th 2nd H.doc. 77 590 7407
no.234 65th 2nd H.doc. 78 591 7408 pt.
no.235 65th 2nd H.doc. 79 592 7409 pt.
no.236 65th 2nd H.doc. 78 593 7408 pt.
no.237 65th 2nd H.doc. 80 594 7410
nos.238-239 65th 2nd H.doc. 76 1024-1025 7406 pt.
no.240 65th 2nd H.doc. 81 1026 7411
no.241 65th 2nd H.doc. 79 1027 7409 pt.
no.242 65th 2nd H.doc. 83 1028 7413
no.243 65th 2nd H.doc. 82 1029 7412
no.244 65th 2nd H.doc. 84 1030 7414
no.245 65th 3rd H.doc. 71 1424 7540
no.246 65th 3rd H.doc. 73 1425 7542
no.247 65th 3rd H.doc. 74 1426 7543
no.248 65th 3rd H.doc. 75 1427 7544
no.249 65th 3rd H.doc. 76 1428 7545
no.250 65th 3rd H.doc. 77 1844 7546
no.251 65th 3rd H.doc. 78 1845 7547
no.252 65th 3rd H.doc. 72 1846 7541
no.253 65th 3rd H.doc. 79 1847 7548
no.254 66th 1st H.doc. 21 39 7632
no.255 66th 1st H.doc. 22 40 7633
no.256 66th 1st H.doc. 23 90 7634
no.257 66th 1st H.doc. 24 91 7635
no.258 66th 1st H.doc. 25 146 7636
no.259 66th 1st H.doc. 26 147 7637
nos.260-261 66th 1st H.doc. 27 215-216 7638
no.262 66th 2nd H.doc. 64 413 7735
no.263 66th 2nd H.doc. 66 414 7737
no.264 66th 2nd H.doc. 68 415 7739
no.265 66th 2nd H.doc. 65 800 7736
no.266 66th 2nd H.doc. 69 821 7740
no.267 66th 2nd H.doc. 70 822 7741
no.268 66th 2nd H.doc. 67 823 7738
no.269 66th 3rd H.doc. 71 834 7865
no.270 66th 3rd H.doc. 73 835 7867
no.271 66th 3rd H.doc. 74 836 7868 pt.
no.272 66th 3rd H.doc. 75 837 7869
no.273 66th 3rd H.doc. 76 838 7870
no.274 66th 3rd H.doc. 79 841 7873
no.275 66th 3rd H.doc. 77 842 7871
no.276 66th 3rd H.doc. 81 889 7875 pt.
no.277 66th 3rd H.doc. 82 928 7876
nos.278-279 66th 3rd H.doc. 80 929, 1030 7874
no.280 66th 3rd H.doc. 81 1031 7875 pt.
no.281 66th 3rd H.doc. 78 1032 7872
no.282 66th 3rd H.doc. 74 1033 7868 pt.
no.283 66th 3rd H.doc. 83 1034 7877
no.284 66th 3rd H.doc. 72 1035 7866
no.285 67th 2nd H.doc. 70 252 8058
no.286 67th 2nd H.doc. 74 268 8062
no.287 67th 2nd H.doc. 80 269 8068
nos.288-289 67th 2nd H.doc. 75 270-271 8063
no.290 67th 2nd H.doc. 76 272 8064
no.291 67th 2nd H.doc. 81 273 8069 pt.
no.292 67th 2nd H.doc. 71 274 8059
no.293 67th 2nd H.doc. 81 275 8069 pt.
no.294 67th 2nd H.doc. 77 276 8065 pt.
no.295 67th 2nd H.doc. 84 277 8072 pt.
no.296 67th 2nd H.doc. 86 278 8074
no.297 67th 2nd H.doc. 77 279 8065 pt.
no.298 67th 2nd H.doc. 82 280 8070
no.299 67th 2nd H.doc. 84 281 8072 pt.
no.300 67th 2nd H.doc. 87 282 8075 pt.
no.301 67th 2nd H.doc. 88 283 8076
no.302 67th 2nd H.doc. 78 284 8066
no.303 67th 2nd H.doc. 91 285 8079
no.304 67th 2nd H.doc. 89 293 8077
no.305 67th 2nd H.doc. 79 294 8067 pt.
no.306 67th 2nd H.doc. 83 295 8071
no.307 67th 2nd H.doc. 84 297 8072 pt.
no.308 67th 2nd H.doc. 72 364 8060
no.309 67th 2nd H.doc. 73 365 8061
nos.310-311 67th 2nd H.doc. 92 366-367 8080
no.312 67th 2nd H.doc. 90 368 8078
nos.313-314 67th 2nd H.doc. 85 369-370 8073
no.315 67th 2nd H.doc. 87 371 8075 pt.
no.316 67th 2nd H.doc. 79 372 8067 pt.
no.317 67th 3rd H.doc. 30 412 8136
nos.318-319 67th 3rd H.doc. 31 413-414 8137 pt.
no.320 67th 3rd H.doc. 32 417 8138
nos.321-322 67th 3rd H.doc. 33 418-419 8139
no.323 67th 3rd H.doc. 31 420 8137 pt.
no.324 67th 4th H.doc. 25 624 8196
no.325 67th 4th H.doc. 26 625 8197
no.326 67th 4th H.doc. 28 626 8199
nos.327-329 67th 4th H.doc. 27 627-629 8198
no.330 67th 4th H.doc. 29 630 8200
no.331 67th 4th H.doc. 30 631 8201 pt.
no.332 67th 4th H.doc. 31 632 8202
no.333 67th 4th H.doc. 32 633 8203
no.334 67th 4th H.doc. 33 634 8204
no.335 67th 4th H.doc. 34 635 8205
no.336 67th 4th H.doc. 30 636 8201 pt.
no.337 67th 4th H.doc. 35 637 8206
no.338 67th 4th H.doc. 30 638 8201 pt.
no.339 67th 4th H.doc. 36 639 8207
no.340 68th 1st H.doc. 85 19 8346
no.341 68th 1st H.doc. 90 20 8351
no.342 68th 1st H.doc. 86 21 8347 pt.
no.343 68th 1st H.doc. 91 22 8352
no.344 68th 1st H.doc. 92 23 8353
no.345 68th 1st H.doc. 94 24 8355 pt.
nos.346-347 68th 1st H.doc. 86 25, 54 8347 pt.
no.348 68th 1st H.doc. 94 55 8355 pt.
no.349 68th 1st H.doc. 86 56 8347 pt.
nos.350-351 68th 1st H.doc. 97 57-58 8358 pt.
no.352 68th 1st H.doc. 87 59 8348
nos.353-354 68th 1st H.doc. 94 92-93 8355 pt.
no.355 68th 1st H.doc. 98 94 8359
no.356 68th 1st H.doc. 95 232 8356 pt.
no.357 68th 1st H.doc. 99 233 8360
no.358 68th 1st H.doc. 95 244 8356 pt.
no.359 68th 1st H.doc. 102 245 8363
no.360 68th 1st H.doc. 95 246 8356 pt.
no.361 68th 1st H.doc. 88 247 8349 pt.
nos.362-363 68th 1st H.doc. 96 248-249 8357 pt.
no.364 68th 1st H.doc. 97 250 8358 pt.
no.365 68th 1st H.doc. 96 251 8357 pt.
no.366 68th 1st H.doc. 100 364 8361
no.367 68th 1st H.doc. 103 365 8364
no.368 68th 1st H.doc. 88 366 8349 pt.
no.369 68th 1st H.doc. 101 367 8362
no.370 68th 1st H.doc. 93 368 8354
no.371 68th 1st H.doc. 96 384 8357 pt.
no.372 68th 1st H.doc. 89 385 8350
nos.373-374 68th 2nd H.doc. 79 413-414 8497 pt.
no.375 68th 2nd H.doc. 80 435 8498 pt.
nos.376-377 68th 2nd H.doc. 79 452-453 8497 pt.
no.378 68th 2nd H.doc. 80 454 8498 pt.
no.379 68th 2nd H.doc. 81 511 8499 pt.
no.380 68th 2nd H.doc. 82 512 8500 pt.
no.381 68th 2nd H.doc. 79 513 8497 pt.
no.382 68th 2nd H.doc. 80 514 8498 pt.
nos.383-384 68th 2nd H.doc. 82 515-516 8500 pt.
no.385 68th 2nd H.doc. 81 557 8499 pt.
no.386 68th 2nd H.doc. 82 591 8500 pt.
nos.387-388 68th 2nd H.doc. 79 599, 639 8497 pt.
no.389 68th 2nd H.doc. 82 664 8500 pt.
no.390 69th 1st H.doc. 87 7 8648 pt.
no.391 69th 1st H.doc. 88 8 8649
no.392 69th 1st H.doc. 91 9 8652 pt.
no.393 69th 1st H.doc. 92 10 8653 pt.
no.394 69th 1st H.doc. 94 11 8655 pt.
no.395 69th 1st H.doc. 96 12 8657-1 pt.
no.396 69th 1st H.doc. 97 13 8658 pt.
nos.397-398 69th 1st H.doc. 92 24, 27 8653 pt.
no.399 69th 1st H.doc. 98 28 8659
no.400 69th 1st H.doc. 99 29 8660 pt.
nos.401-402 69th 1st H.doc. 92 30, 43 8653 pt.
no.403 69th 1st H.doc. 89 44 8650 pt.
no.404 69th 1st H.doc. 94 45 8655 pt.
no.405 69th 1st H.doc. 91 99 8652 pt.
no.406 69th 1st H.doc. 96 128 8657-1 pt.
no.407 69th 1st H.doc. 94 129 8655 pt.
no.408 69th 1st H.doc. 89 130 8650 pt.
no.409 69th 1st H.doc. 99 131 8660 pt.
no.410 69th 1st H.doc. 100 132 8661
no.411 69th 1st H.doc. 93 133 8654 pt.
no.412 69th 1st H.doc. 94 134 8655 pt.
no.413 69th 1st H.doc. 95 266 8656 pt.
no.414 69th 1st H.doc. 99 267 8660 pt.
no.415 69th 1st H.doc. 87 268 8648 pt.
no.416 69th 1st H.doc. 95 269 8656 pt.
no.417 69th 1st H.doc. 89 318 8650 pt.
no.418 69th 1st H.doc. 97 319 8658 pt.
nos.419-420 69th 1st H.doc. 93 369, 445 8654 pt.
nos.421-422 69th 1st H.doc. 95 447-448 8656 pt.
no.423 69th 1st H.doc. 96 449 8657-2
no.424 69th 1st H.doc. 93 472 8654 pt.
no.425 69th 1st H.doc. 91 473 8652 pt.
nos.426-428 69th 2nd H.doc. 75 489-491 8791
no.429 69th 2nd H.doc. 76 510 8792 pt.
no.430 69th 2nd H.doc. 79 523 8795 pt.
no.431 69th 2nd H.doc. 80 524 8796 pt.
no.432 69th 2nd H.doc. 82 525 8798
no.433 69th 2nd H.doc. 79 526 8795 pt.
no.434 69th 2nd H.doc. 83 527 8799 pt.
no.435 69th 2nd H.doc. 80 637 8796 pt.
no.436 69th 2nd H.doc. 79 638 8795 pt.
no.437 69th 2nd H.doc. 76 639 8792 pt.
no.438 69th 2nd H.doc. 80 784 8796 pt.
no.439 69th 2nd H.doc. 77 785 8793
no.440 69th 2nd H.doc. 84 786 8800
no.441 69th 2nd H.doc. 85 787 8801
nos.442-443 69th 2nd H.doc. 81 788, 791 8797 pt.
no.444 69th 2nd H.doc. 83 792 8799 pt.
no.445 69th 2nd H.doc. 86 793 8802
no.446 69th 2nd H.doc. 81 794 8797 pt.
no.447 69th 2nd H.doc. 79 802 8795 pt.
nos.448-449 69th 2nd H.doc. 78 803-804 8794
no.450 69th 2nd H.doc. 81 808 8797 pt.
no.451 69th 2nd H.doc. 79 809 8795 pt.
no.452 70th 1st H.doc. 66 46 8940 pt.
no.453 70th 1st H.doc. 67 47 8941 pt.
no.454 70th 1st H.doc. 66 48 8940 pt.
no.455 70th 1st H.doc. 68 49 8942 pt.
no.456 70th 1st H.doc. 70 50 8944
no.457 70th 1st H.doc. 66 61 8940 pt.
nos.458-459 70th 1st H.doc. 68 62-63 8942 pt.
no.460 70th 1st H.doc. 71 64 8945 pt.
no.461 70th 1st H.doc. 68 157 8942 pt.
no.462 70th 1st H.doc. 69 158 8943 pt.
no.463 70th 1st H.doc. 72 159 8946
no.464 70th 1st H.doc. 73 160 8947
no.465 70th 1st H.doc. 69 161 8943 pt.
no.466 70th 1st H.doc. 71 162 8945 pt.
no.467 70th 1st H.doc. 69 163 8943 pt.
no.468 70th 1st H.doc. 74 164 8948
no.469 70th 1st H.doc. 69 333 8943 pt.
no.470 70th 1st H.doc. 75 334 8949
nos.471-472 70th 1st H.doc. 66 337-338 8940 pt.
no.473 70th 1st H.doc. 67 339 8941 pt.
no.474 70th 2nd H.doc. 80 423 9083 pt.
no.475 70th 2nd H.doc. 83 424 9086
no.476 70th 2nd H.doc. 84 425 9087 pt.
no.477 70th 2nd H.doc. 86 426 9089 pt.
no.478 70th 2nd H.doc. 87 427 9090
no.479-480 70th 2nd H.doc. 80 428-429 9083 pt.
no.481 70th 2nd H.doc. 88 440 9091
no.482 70th 2nd H.doc. 84 442 9087 pt.
no.483 70th 2nd H.doc. 80 443 9083 pt.
no.484 70th 2nd H.doc. 85 444 9088 pt.
no.485 70th 2nd H.doc. 86 519 9089 pt.
no.486 70th 2nd H.doc. 89 542 9092
no.487 70th 2nd H.doc. 85 543 9088 pt.
no.488 70th 2nd H.doc. 90 544 9093 pt.
no.489 70th 2nd H.doc. 81 601 9084
no.490 70th 2nd H.doc. 90 608 9093 pt.
no.491 70th 2nd H.doc. 82 609 9085
no.492 70th 2nd H.doc. 85 617 9088 pt.
no.493 70th 2nd H.doc. 91 630 9094
no.494 70th 2nd H.doc. 92 631 9095
no.495 70th 2nd H.doc. 93 632 9096

(Continued on separate page)


Disclaimer: This finding list is provided for general reference use only and is not indicative of the Serial Set or agency holdings at the College of Wooster. If you are looking for a report listed here, please check at your local depository library.