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U.S. Congressional Serial Set Finding List: Bulletins, Bureau of Labor Statistics (L 2.3:) (71st Congress-87th Congress)

Bulletins, Bureau of Labor Statistics (L 2.3:) (71st Congress-87th Congress)

(continued from previous page)

When the Department of Labor was established in 1913, the former Bureau of Labor (C 8.) became the new Bureau of Labor Statistics (L 2.). The Bureau of Labor Statistics has become "the Government's principal factfinding agency in the field of labor economics," and one of the key series for distributing that information has been the Bulletins series. Because the Bulletins series actually began under the Bureau of Labor (La 1.3: and C 8.3:) and ran up through no.111, the numbering for the BLS Bulletins begins with no.112. In later years, recurring series within the BLS Bulletins series were split out and given different SuDocs numbers; see Andriot for further details. (Andriot 552) (This page covers the 62nd Congress-70th Congress.  See prior page for additional information.)

Number Congress Session Type Volume Number Serial Set Volume
no.496 71st 1st H.doc. 40 3 9165
nos.497-498 71st 1st H.doc. 41 4-5 9166
no.499 71st 1st H.doc. 42 49 9167
no.500 71st 1st H.doc. 44 50 9169 pt.
no.501 71st 1st H.doc. 45 81 9170
nos.502-504 71st 1st H.doc. 43 82-84 9168
nos.505-506 71st 1st H.doc. 44 85, 101 9169 pt.
no.507 71st 1st H.doc. 46 102 9171
no.508 71st 1st H.doc. 44 103 9169 pt.
no.509 71st 1st H.doc. 47 104 9172
no.510 71st 1st H.doc. 48 105 9173
no.511 71st 2nd H.doc. 68 276 9291
no.512 71st 2nd H.doc. 69 277 9292 pt.
nos.513-514 71st 2nd H.doc. 70 278-279 9293
no.515 71st 2nd H.doc. 71 307 9294
no.516 71st 2nd H.doc. 72 308 9295 pt.
no.517 71st 2nd H.doc. 73 309 9296
no.518 71st 2nd H.doc. 74 332 9297 pt.
no.519 71st 2nd H.doc. 69 333 9292 pt.
no.520 71st 2nd H.doc. 75 334 9298
no.521 71st 2nd H.doc. 76 405 9299
nos.522-523 71st 2nd H.doc. 72 428, 514 9295 pt.
no.524 71st 2nd H.doc. 74 515 9297 pt.
nos.525-526 71st 3rd H.doc. 94 579, 582 9444 pt.
no.527 71st 3rd H.doc. 96 583 9446
no.528 71st 3rd H.doc. 97 584 9447
no.529 71st 3rd H.doc. 98 604 9448
nos.530-531 71st 3rd H.doc. 99 605-606 9449
nos.532-533 71st 3rd H.doc. 94 607-608 9444 pt.
no.534 71st 3rd H.doc. 101 609 9451
no.535 71st 3rd H.doc. 94 711 9444 pt.
no.536 71st 3rd H.doc. 102 712 9452
no.537 71st 3rd H.doc. 94 713 9444 pt.
no.538 71st 3rd H.doc. 103 781 9453 pt.
no.539 71st 3rd H.doc. 94 782 9444 pt.
no.540 71st 3rd H.doc. 95 783 9445
no.541 71st 3rd H.doc. 100 813 9450
no.542 71st 3rd H.doc. 103 814 9453 pt.
no.543 71st 3rd H.doc. 104 815 9454
no.544 72nd 1st H.doc. 87 84 9611 pt.
no.545 72nd 1st H.doc. 88 85 9612 pt.
nos.546-547 72nd 1st H.doc. 89 86-87 9613 pt.
no.548 72nd 1st H.doc. 91 88 9615 pt.
no.549 72nd 1st H.doc. 92 90 9616 pt.
no.550 72nd 1st H.doc. 93 91 9617
no.551 72nd 1st H.doc. 89 92 9613 pt.
no.552 72nd 1st H.doc. 91 93 9615 pt.
no.553 72nd 1st H.doc. 87 94 9611 pt.
no.554 72nd 1st H.doc. 82 95 9616 pt.
no.555 72nd 1st H.doc. 87 96 9611 pt.
no.556 72nd 1st H.doc. 94 97 9618 pt.
no.557 72nd 1st H.doc. 89 98 9613 pt.
no.558 72nd 1st H.doc. 95 114 9619
no.559 72nd 1st H.doc. 92 115 9616 pt.
no.560 72nd 1st H.doc. 89 116 9613 pt.
no.561 72nd 1st H.doc. 88 117 9612 pt.
no.562 72nd 1st H.doc. 94 118 9618 pt.
no.563 72nd 1st H.doc. 88 120 9612 pt.
no.564 72nd 1st H.doc. 96 121 9620
no.565 72nd 1st H.doc. 88 122 9612 pt.
no.566 72nd 1st H.doc. 89 123 9613 pt.
nos.567-568 72nd 1st H.doc. 90 364-365 9614 pt.
no.569 72nd 1st H.doc. 92 366 9616 pt.
no.570 72nd 1st H.doc. 90 367 9614 pt.
no.571 72nd 2nd H.doc. 46 389 9714 pt.
no.572 72nd 2nd H.doc. 47 390 9715
no.573 72nd 2nd H.doc. 46 391 9714 pt.
no.574 72nd 2nd H.doc. 48 392 9716
nos.575-576 72nd 2nd H.doc. 46 393, 464 9714 pt.
no.577 72nd 2nd H.doc. 49 465 9717
no.578 72nd 2nd H.doc. 46 466 9714 pt.
nos.579-580 Not included in Congressional documents
no.581 72nd 2nd H.doc. 50 561 9718
no.582 73rd 1st H.doc. 15 21 9763
no.583 73rd 1st H.doc. 16 22 9764 pt.
no.584 73rd 1st H.doc. 17 23 9765 pt.
no.585 73rd 1st H.doc. 18 24 9766
nos.586-589 73rd 1st H.doc. 17 25, 60-61, 67 9765 pt.
no.590 73rd 1st H.doc. 16 106 9764 pt.
no.591 73rd 1st H.doc. 17 107 9765 pt.
no.592 73rd 1st H.doc. 16 108 9764 pt.
no.593 73rd 2nd H.doc. 51 156 9855
no.594 73rd 2nd H.doc. 52 157 9856 pt.
no.595 73rd 2nd H.doc. 53 158 9857
no.596 73rd 2nd H.doc. 54 159 9858 pt.
no.597 73rd 2nd H.doc. 55 160 9859 pt.
no.598 73rd 2nd H.doc. 56 173 9860 pt.
no.599 Not included in Congressional documents
nos.600-601 73rd 2nd H.doc. 52 175-176 9856 pt.
no.602 73rd 2nd H.doc. 57 177 9861
no.603 73rd 2nd H.doc. 54 178 9858 pt.
no.604 73rd 2nd H.doc. 52 251 9856 pt.
no.605 73rd 2nd H.doc. 55 252 9859 pt.
no.606 73rd 2nd H.doc. 56 253 9860 pt.
no.607 73rd 2nd H.doc. 54 254 9858 pt.
no.608 73rd 2nd H.doc. 56 255 9860 pt.
nos.609-612 74th 1st H.doc. 48 49-50, 70-71 9960
nos.613-615 74th 1st H.doc. 49 72-73, 254 9961
no.616 74th 1st H.doc. 50 255 9962
nos.617-619 74th 1st H.doc. 51 256-258 9963
nos.620-629 75th 1st H.doc. 45 64-68, 85-88, 191 10152
nos.630-635 75th 1st H.doc. 46 192-193, 236, 245-247 10153
no.636 75th 2nd H.doc. 23 429 10198
no.637 75th 2nd H.doc. 24 430 10199
no.638 75th 2nd H.doc. 25 431 10200
no.639 75th 2nd H.doc. 26 432 10201
no.640 75th 2nd H.doc. 27 433 10202
no.641 75th 2nd H.doc. 28 434 10203
no.642 75th 2nd H.doc. 29 435 10204
no.643 75th 2nd H.doc. 30 436 10205
no.644 75th 2nd H.doc. 31 437 10206
no.645 75th 2nd H.doc. 32 438 10207
no.646 75th 2nd H.doc. 33 439 10208
no.647 75th 2nd H.doc. 34 440 10209
no.648 75th 2nd H.doc. 35 441 10210-1, 10210-2
no.649 75th 2nd H.doc. 36 442 10211
no.650 75th 2nd H.doc. 37 443 10212
nos.651-655 75th 2nd H.doc. 38 444, 446-449 10213
no.656 Not included in Congressional documents
nos.657-658 75th 3rd H.doc. 25 600, 605 10274
nos.659-662 76th 1st H.doc. 57 56, 58-60 10376
nos.663-666 76th 1st H.doc. 58 61, 248, 375-376 10377
nos.667-670 76th 1st H.doc. 59 377-378, 391, 472 10378
nos.671-676 76th 3rd H.doc. 46 489, 639-640, 676, 690-691 10520
nos.677-679 76th 3rd H.doc. 47 878-879, 847 10521
no.680 76th 3rd H.doc. 48 937 10522
nos.681-683 76th 3rd H.doc. 49 938, 954-955 10523
no.684 76th 3rd H.doc. 50 956 10524
no.685 76th 3rd H.doc. 51 987 10525
nos.686-687 Not included in Congressional documents
no.688 77th 1st H.doc. 48 200 10625
no.689 77th 1st H.doc. 49 201 10626
nos.690-693 77th 1st H.doc. 50 202, 293-295 10627
no.694 77th 1st H.doc. 51-52 297 10628-10629
nos.695-696 77th 1st H.doc. 53 305-306 10630
nos.697-699 77th 1st H.doc. 54 315, 355, 363 10631
nos.700-711 77th 2nd H.doc. 47 601, 679, 687-689, 712-715, 728-729, 795 10726
nos.712-718 77th 2nd H.doc. 48 805-806, 808, 818, 826-827, 842 10727
nos.719-728 77th 2nd H.doc. 49 841, 868-869, 879, 881, 884, 906-907, 909, 913 10728
nos.720 B, 729-746 78th 1st H.doc. 43 56, 97-98, 116-118, 139-140, 150-151, 171-172, 212-214, 224, 244-245, 247 10818
nos.747-748 78th 1st H.doc. 44 256-257 10819 pt.
no.749 78th 1st H.doc. 45 258 10820
nos.750-760 78th 1st H.doc. 44 260-262, 336-337, 348-350, 360, 362, 370 10819 pt.
nos.761-782 78th 2nd H.doc. 42 372, 384-385, 425, 440, 491, 502, 514-515, 525-526, 536, 546-548, 550, 556-557, 573, 579, 598, 617 10906
nos.783-804 78th 2nd H.doc. 43 618-619, 636, 661, 663, 665, 669-670, 672-673, 676-677, 681, 683-684, 687, 781, 785-786, 801, 808-809 10907
nos.805-835 79th 1st H.doc. 39 34, 36, 69, 97, 100-105, 115, 122, 129-132, 138, 147-151, 153-155, 187-188, 202, 211, 222-223 10992
no.836 79th 1st H.doc. 40 254 10993
no.837/1 79th 1st H.doc. 41 287 10994-1 pt.
no.837/2 79th 1st H.doc. 41 287 10994-2
nos.838-853 79th 1st H.doc. 41 267, 269-273, 300, 306-308, 310, 363, 366, 385-386, 388 10994-1 pt.
nos.854-856 79th 2nd H.doc. 52 395, 430-431 11091
no.857 79th 2nd H.doc. 53 455 11092
nos.858-871 79th 2nd H.doc. 54 478-479, 505-508, 513, 575, 616-618, 623-624, 635 11093
nos.872-884 79th 2nd H.doc. 55 636, 642-643, 646-650, 774-778 11094
nos.885-891 80th 1st H.doc. 46 25, 27-29, 31-33 11181 pt.
no.892 80th 1st H.doc. 47 47 11182 pt.
nos.893-894 80th 1st H.doc. 46 52, 67 11181 pt.
no.895 80th 1st H.doc. 47 68 11182 pt.
nos.896-901 80th 1st H.doc. 46 134-135, 164-166, 189 11181 pt.
no.902 80th 1st H.doc. 47 191 11182 pt.
nos.903-904 80th 1st H.doc. 46 200, 233 11181 pt.
no.905 80th 1st H.doc. 47 240 11182 pt.
nos.906-907 80th 1st H.doc. 48 255-256 11183 pt.
no.908 80th 1st H.doc. 46 257 11181 pt.
no.908-2 80th 1st H.doc. 46 469 11181 pt.
nos.908-3 - 908-10 80th 2nd H.doc. 49 482-483, 658, 699-702, 756 11271 pt.
nos.908-11 - 908-14 81st 1st H.doc. 33 125, 141, 208, 282 11346
nos.908-15 - 908-19 81st 2nd H.doc. 50 421, 434, 475, 533, 649 11454
nos.909-914 80th 1st H.doc. 46 258, 263, 265, 269, 281, 299 11181 pt.
no.915 80th 1st H.doc. 48 314 11183 pt.
no.916 80th 1st H.doc. 49 317 11184
nos.917-920 80th 1st H.doc. 46 318-319, 339, 426 11181 pt.
nos.921-925 80th 1st H.doc. 48 427, 429, 471-472, 479 11183 pt.
no.926 80th 2nd H.doc. 49 638 11271 pt.
nos.927-928 80th 2nd H.doc. 50 486-487 11272 pt.
no.929 80th 2nd H.doc. 51 488 11273
nos.930-936 80th 2nd H.doc. 50 489-490, 604, 615-616, 633, 637 11272 pt.
nos.937-938 80th 2nd H.doc. 49 657, 703 11271 pt.
no.939 80th 2nd H.doc. 50 728 11272 pt.
no.940 80th 2nd H.doc. 52 729 11274
nos.941-946 80th 2nd H.doc. 50 742-744, 755, 757, 759 11272 pt.
nos.947-957 81st 1st H.doc. 34 53, 61, 72, 83, 91, 95, 102, 124, 138, 155-156 11347
no.958 81st 1st H.doc. 35 159 11348 pt.
no.959 81st 1st H.doc. 36 171 11349
nos.960-1 - 960-4 81st 1st H.doc. 37 183, 268, 292, 337 11350 pt.
no.961 81st 1st H.doc. 35 200 11348 pt.
nos.962-966 81st 1st H.doc. 37 201, 205-207, 213 11350 pt.
nos.967-968 81st 1st H.doc. 35 236, 317 11348 pt.
no.968, supp. 82nd 1st H.doc. 32 230 11546 pt.
nos.969-970 81st 1st H.doc. 37 323-324 11350 pt.
no.970-2 81st 1st H.doc. 37 380 11350 pt.
no.971 81st 1st H.doc. 37 364 11350 pt.
no.972 81st 2nd H.doc. 51 419 11455 pt.
no.972, supp. 82nd 1st H.doc. 32 231 11546 pt.
nos.973-979 81st 2nd H.doc. 52 422, 425, 428, 430, 444-445, 482 11456 pt.
no.980 81st 2nd H.doc. 53 496 11457
nos.981-982 81st 2nd H.doc. 52 497, 545 11456 pt.
no.983 81st 2nd H.doc. 54 546 11458 pt.
no.984 81st 2nd H.doc. 52 550 11456 pt.
no.985 81st 2nd H.doc. 55 551 11459 pt.
nos.986-990 81st 2nd H.doc. 56 552-554, 562-563 11460 pt.
no.991 81st 2nd H.doc. 55 591 11459 pt.
no.992 81st 2nd H.doc. 56 592 11460 pt.
no.993 81st 2nd H.doc. 52 604 11456 pt.
no.994 81st 2nd H.doc. 51 605 11455 pt.
no.995 81st 2nd H.doc. 56 606 11460 pt.
no.996 81st 2nd H.doc. 55 612 11459 pt.
no.997 81st 2nd H.doc. 56 617 11460 pt.
no.998 81st 2nd H.doc. 57 618 11461
no.999 81st 2nd H.doc. 56 636 11460 pt.
no.1000 81st 2nd H.doc. 54 662 11458 pt.
no.1000 rev. 85th 1st H.doc. 43 244 12049 pt.
no.1001 81st 2nd H.doc. 52 663 11456 pt.
no.1002 81st 2nd H.doc. 56 664 11460 pt.
nos.1003-1005 81st 2nd H.doc. 52 665, 675, 698 11456 pt.
no.1006 81st 2nd H.doc. 56 709 11460 pt.
no.1007 81st 2nd H.doc. 52 710 11456 pt.
no.1008 81st 2nd H.doc. 55 714 11459 pt.
no.1009 81st 2nd H.doc. 58 737 11462
no.1010 81st 2nd H.doc. 51 738 11455 pt.
nos.1011-1015 82nd 1st H.doc. 32 35, 37, 39, 58, 61 11546 pt.
no.1016 82nd 1st H.doc. 33 62 11547
no.1016, supp. 82nd 2nd H.doc. 42 553 11638
nos.1017-1023 82nd 1st H.doc. 32 63, 71-72, 77, 88, 107, 114 11546 pt.
no.1024 82nd 1st H.doc. 34 130 11548
nos.1025-1027 82nd 1st H.doc. 32 131, 148-149 11546 pt.
nos.1028-1029 82nd 1st H.doc. 35 152, 158 11549 pt.
no.1030 82nd 1st H.doc. 32 159 11546 pt.
no.1031 82nd 1st H.doc. 35 161 11549 pt.
no.1032 82nd 1st H.doc. 32 164 11546 pt.
nos.1033-1034 82nd 1st H.doc. 35 180, 209 11549 pt.
nos.1035-1036 82nd 1st H.doc. 32 232-233 11546 pt.
no.1037 82nd 1st H.doc. 35 237 11549 pt.
nos.1038-1040 82nd 1st H.doc. 32 254-256 11546 pt.
nos.1041-1042 82nd 1st H.doc. 35 262-263 11549 pt.
nos.1043-1045 82nd 2nd H.doc. 47 298-300 11643 pt.
nos.1046-1047 82nd 2nd H.doc. 43 301-302 11639 pt.
no.1048 82nd 2nd H.doc. 49 312 11645 pt.
no.1049 82nd 2nd H.doc. 43 308 11639 pt.
no.1050 82nd 2nd H.doc. 49 307 11645 pt.
nos.1051-1053 82nd 2nd H.doc. 50 330, 333-334 11646 pt.
no.1054 82nd 2nd H.doc. 49 335 11645 pt.
no.1055 82nd 2nd H.doc. 43 344 11639 pt.
nos.1056-1060 82nd 2nd H.doc. 47 375-376, 383-385 11643 pt.
nos.1061-1062 82nd 2nd H.doc. 50 386, 390 11646 pt.
no.1063 82nd 2nd H.doc. 43 391 11639 pt.
no.1064 82nd 2nd H.doc. 47 402 11643 pt.
no.1065 82nd 2nd H.doc. 43 417 11639 pt.
no.1066-1071 82nd 2nd H.doc. 47 418-419, 428-431 11643 pt.
no.1072 82nd 2nd H.doc. 49 432 11645 pt.
no.1073 82nd 2nd H.doc. 43 437 11639 pt.
no.1074-1078 82nd 2nd H.doc. 47 438-442 11643 pt.
no.1079 82nd 2nd H.doc. 43 443 11639 pt.
no.1080 82nd 2nd H.doc. 44 448 11640
nos.1081-1082 82nd 2nd H.doc. 47 462-463 11643 pt.
no.1083 82nd 2nd H.doc. 43 464 11639 pt.
no.1084 82nd 2nd H.doc. 47 474 11643 pt.
nos.1085-1088 82nd 2nd H.doc. 48 477-480 11644 pt.
nos.1089-1090 82nd 2nd H.doc. 43 481-482 11639 pt.
nos.1091-1093 82nd 2nd H.doc. 45 483-484, 493 11641 pt.
nos.1094-1096 82nd 2nd H.doc. 48 497-499 11644 pt.
nos.1097-1098 82nd 2nd H.doc. 45 500-501 11641 pt.
no.1099 82nd 2nd H.doc. 48 519 11644 pt.
no.1100 82nd 2nd H.doc. 45 535 11641 pt.
nos.1101-1112 82nd 2nd H.doc. 48 536-538, 541-549 11644 pt.
no.1113 82nd 2nd H.doc. 46 559 11642
nos.1114-1115 82nd 2nd H.doc. 45 550, 560 11641 pt.
no.1116 83rd 1st H.doc. 37 238 11716 pt.
no.1116-1 83rd 1st H.doc. 37 72 11716 pt.
no.1116-2 82nd 2nd H.doc. 48 565 11644 pt.
nos.1116-3 - 1116-20 83rd 1st H.doc. 37 80, 90-92, 107, 113, 117-118, 121, 129, 137, 167-168, 173, 188, 192, 204, 223 11716 pt.
no.1117 82nd 2nd H.doc. 49 566 11645 pt.
nos.1118-1120 82nd 2nd H.doc. 45 567-569 11641 pt.
nos.1121-1122 83rd 1st H.doc. 35 45-46 11714 pt.
nos.1123-1125 83rd 1st H.doc. 32 47-49 11711 pt.
no.1126 83rd 1st H.doc. 33 50 11712 pt.
no.1127 83rd 1st H.doc. 35 59 11714 pt.
no.1127, supp. 83rd 2nd H.doc. 39 369 11803 pt.
nos.1128-1131 83rd 1st H.doc. 33 68-71 11712 pt.
no.1132 83rd 1st H.doc. 35 79 11714 pt.
nos.1133-1134 83rd 1st H.doc. 32 83, 86 11711 pt.
nos.1135-1137 83rd 1st H.doc. 35 144, 148-149 11714 pt.
no.1138 83rd 1st H.doc. 33 150 11712 pt.
no.1139 83rd 1st H.doc. 36 151 11715 pt.
no.1140 83rd 1st H.doc. 34 152 11713
nos.1141-1143 83rd 1st H.doc. 36 169, 174-175 11715 pt.
no.1144 83rd 1st H.doc. 33 179 11712 pt.
nos.1145-1148 83rd 1st H.doc. 36 189, 235-237 11715 pt.
nos.1149-1156 83rd 2nd H.doc. 39 293, 312-318 11803 pt.
nos.1157-1 - 1157-3 83rd 2nd H.doc. 41 354, 387-388 11805
nos.1158-1161 83rd 2nd H.doc. 39 363, 391, 415-416 11803 pt.
nos.1162-1171 83rd 2nd H.doc. 40 417-421, 437, 448, 503-505 11804
no.1172 84th 1st H.doc. 29 233 11868 pt.
nos.1172-1 - 1172-17 84th 1st H.doc. 29 33-49 11868 pt.
no.1173 84th 1st H.doc. 31 78 11870 pt.
nos.1174-1179 84th 1st H.doc. 30 79, 96, 111-114 11869 pt.
no.1180 84th 1st H.doc. 31 182 11870 pt.
nos.1181-1187 84th 1st H.doc. 30 186-189, 229-231 11869 pt.
no.1188 84th 2nd H.doc. 18 486 11938 pt.
nos.1188-1 - 1188-18 84th 2nd H.doc. 18 237-240, 288, 297-309 11938 pt.
nos.1189-1198 84th 2nd H.doc. 19 310-312, 363-364, 368, 389, 425, 428, 463 11939 pt.
nos.1199-1 - 1199-2 84th 2nd H.doc. 19 469, 476 11939 pt.
nos.1200-1201 84th 2nd H.doc. 19 470, 483 11939 pt.
no.1202 85th 1st H.doc. 40 73 12046 pt.
no.1202-1 84th 2nd H.doc. 18 484 11938 pt.
nos.1202-2 - 1202-17 85th 1st H.doc. 40 57-72 12046 pt.
no.1203 84th 2nd H.doc. 19 485 11939 pt.
nos.1204-1209 85th 1st H.doc. 41 90-92, 101-102, 157 12047 pt.
nos.1210-1 - 1210-16 85th 1st H.doc. 42 119-134 12048
nos.1211-1212 85th 1st H.doc. 41 158-159 12047 pt.
no.1213 85th 1st H.doc. 43 175 12049 pt.
no.1214 85th 1st H.doc. 44 183 12050
no.1215 85th 1st H.doc. 45 184 12051
nos.1216-1219 85th 1st H.doc. 41 193-194, 196, 205 12047 pt.
no.1220 85th 1st H.doc. 46 207 12052 pt.
nos.1220-1 - 1220-7 85th 1st H.doc. 46 207 12052 pt.
nos.1221-1223 85th 1st H.doc. 41 241-242, 248 12047 pt.
nos.1224-1 - 1224-20 85th 2nd H.doc. 35 285 12131
no.1225 85th 2nd H.doc. 36 290 12132
no.1226 85th 2nd H.doc. 37 291 12133
nos.1227-1230 85th 2nd H.doc. 38 325, 327-329 12134 pt.
no.1231 85th 2nd H.doc. 39 398 12135 pt.
no.1232 85th 2nd H.doc. 38 399 12134 pt.
nos.1233-1235 85th 2nd H.doc. 39 400, 402-403 12135 pt.
no.1236 85th 2nd H.doc. 38 443 12134 pt.
no.1237 85th 2nd H.doc. 39 444 12135 pt.
no.1238 85th 2nd H.doc. 40 445 12136
no.1239 85th 2nd H.doc. 39 446 12135 pt.
nos.1240-1 - 1240-22 85th 2nd H.doc. 41 447 12137
no.1241 85th 2nd H.doc. 39 448 12135 pt.
nos.1242-1246 86th 1st H.doc. 42 62-66 12223 pt.
no.1247 86th 1st H.doc. 43 67 12224
nos.1248-1253 86th 1st H.doc. 42 68-69, 134-137 12223 pt.
no.1254 86th 1st H.doc. 44 138 12225 pt.
no.1255 86th 1st H.doc. 45 139 12226
nos.1256-1260 86th 1st H.doc. 44 158, 175-178 12225 pt.
nos.1261-1264 86th 2nd H.doc. 40 273-276 12307 pt.
nos.1265-1 - 1265-25 86th 2nd H.doc. 41 277 12308
nos.1265-26 - 1265-48 86th 2nd H.doc. 42 277 12309
nos.1265-49 - 1265-62 86th 2nd H.doc. 43 277 12310
nos.1266-1274 86th 2nd H.doc. 40 278, 318, 322, 337-341, 367 12307 pt.
nos.1275-1276 86th 2nd H.doc. 45 392-393 12312 pt.
no.1277 86th 2nd H.doc. 44 419 12311
nos.1278-1281 86th 2nd H.doc. 45 420-423 12312 pt.
nos.1282-1284 87th 1st H.doc. 31 30-32 12392 pt.
nos.1285-1 - 1285-25 87th 1st H.doc. 32 33 12393
nos.1285-26 - 1285-56 87th 1st H.doc. 33 33 12394
nos.1285-57 - 1285-84 87th 1st H.doc. 34 33 12395
nos.1286-1294 87th 1st H.doc. 31 35-36, 51, 83, 143, 149, 160, 169-170 12392 pt.
nos.1295-1299 87th 1st H.doc. 35 183-184, 191-193 12396 pt.
no.1300 87th 1st H.doc. 36 194 12397
nos.1301-1302 87th 1st H.doc. 35 237-238 12396 pt.
nos.1303-1 - 1303-25 87th 1st H.doc. 37 239 12398
nos.1303-26 - 1303-56 87th 1st H.doc. 38 239 12399
nos.1303-57 - 1303-84 87th 1st H.doc. 39 239 12400
no.1304 87th 1st H.doc. 35 240 12396 pt.
no.1305 87th 2nd H.doc. 41 280 12499
no.1306 87th 2nd H.doc. 42 281 12500 pt.
no.1307 87th 2nd H.doc. 43 282 12501 pt.
no.1308 87th 2nd H.doc. 44 283 12502 pt.
no.1309 87th 2nd H.doc. 42 284 12500 pt.
no.1310 87th 2nd H.doc. 44 285 12502 pt.
no.1311 87th 2nd H.doc. 42 290 12500 pt.
nos.1312-1316 87th 2nd H.doc. 44 291, 309-312 12502 pt.
nos.1317-1318 87th 2nd H.doc. 42 313, 327 12500 pt.
nos.1319-1320 87th 2nd H.doc. 44 328-329 12502 pt.
no.1321 87th 2nd H.doc. 42 331 12500 pt.
no.1322 87th 2nd H.doc. 44 332 12502 pt.
nos.1323-1324 87th 2nd H.doc. 42 374, 396 12500 pt.
nos.1325-1326 87th 2nd H.doc. 45 397, 399 12503 pt.
nos.1327-1329 87th 2nd H.doc. 42 400, 408, 410 12500 pt.
no.1330 87th 2nd H.doc. 43 420 12501 pt.
nos.1331-1332 87th 2nd H.doc. 45 424-425 12503 pt.
no.1333 87th 2nd H.doc. 42 426 12500 pt.
nos.1334-1336 87th 2nd H.doc. 45 427-428, 490 12503 pt.
no.1337 87th 2nd H.doc. 42 592 12500 pt.
nos.1338-1 - 1338-8 87th 2nd H.doc. 46 593 12504
nos.1339-1340 87th 2nd H.doc. 45 594-595 12503 pt.
no.1341 87th 2nd H.doc. 42 596 12500 pt.
no.1342 87th 2nd H.doc. 45 597 12503 pt.
no.1343 87th 2nd H.doc. 42 603 12500 pt.
no.1344 87th 2nd H.doc. 45 604 12503 pt.
nos.1345-1 - 1345-25 87th 2nd H.doc. 47 605 12505
nos.1345-26 - 1345-56 87th 2nd H.doc. 48 605 12506
nos.1345-57 - 1345-84 87th 2nd H.doc. 49 605 12507
nos.1346-1348 87th 2nd H.doc. 45 606-607, 611 12503 pt.
no.1349 87th 2nd H.doc. 42 612 12500 pt.
nos.1350-1351 87th 2nd H.doc. 45 613-614 12503 pt.



Disclaimer: This finding list is provided for general reference use only and is not indicative of the Serial Set or agency holdings at the College of Wooster. If you are looking for a report listed here, please check at your local depository library.