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U.S. Congressional Serial Set Finding List: List of Merchant Vessels (T 37.11:, T 30.5:, C 11.5:, C 25.11:, T 17.11/2:)

List of Merchant Vessels (T 37.11:, T 30.5:, C 11.5:, C 25.11:, T 17.11/2:)

The Bureau of Navigation was established in 1884 under the Department of the Treasury. In 1903, the bureau was transferred to the newly created Department of Commerce and Labor. It was combined with the Steamboat Inspection Service in 1932 to create the Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection, which was renamed in 1936 as the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation. In 1942, various functions of this agency were transferred to the Bureau of Customs. The List of Merchant Vessels began publication in 1867 under the Statistics Bureau of the Department of the Treasury, although it did not appear as part of the Congressional Serial Set until 1895.

1867-1883 T 37.11: Bureau of Statistics, Department of the Treasury
1884-1902 T 30.5: Bureau of Navigation, Department of the Treasury
1903-1931 C 11.5: Bureau of Navigation, Department of Commerce (and Labor)
1932-1942 C 25.11: Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, Department of Commerce
1942-present T 17.11/2: Customs Service, Department of the Treasury

(Andriot 134, 149, 714; Checklist 361, 1149-1150, 1185)


Date Congress Session Type Volume Number Serial Set Volume
1867-1894 Not included in Congressional documents
1895 54th 1st H.doc. 34 29 3401
1896 54th 2nd H.doc. 37 38 3513
1897 55th 2nd H.doc. 35 15 3663
1898 55th 3rd H.doc. 54 100 3796
1899 56th 1st H.doc. 56 18 3953
1900 56th 2nd H.doc. 57 16 4131
1901 57th 1st H.doc. 49 16 4316
1902 57th 2nd H.doc. 43 16 4482
1903 58th 2nd H.doc. 43 16 4669
1904 58th 3rd H.doc. 45 16 4824
1905 59th 1st H.doc. 38 16 4978
1906 59th 2nd H.doc. 35 16 5138
1907 60th 1st H.doc. 66 16 5335
1908 60th 2nd H.doc. 97 1023 5507
1909 61st 2nd H.doc. 94 180 5797
1910 61st 3rd H.doc. 99 1026 6043
1911 62nd 2nd H.doc. 101 160 6283
1912 62nd 3rd H.doc. 86 973 6452
1913 63rd 2nd H.doc. 112 425 6709
1914 63rd 3rd H.doc. 67 1449 6852
1915 64th 1st H.doc. 99 448 7053
1916 64th 2nd H.doc. 77 1382 7203
1917 Not included in Congressional documents
1918 65th 3rd H.doc. 68 1442 7537
1919 66th 2nd H.doc. 62 670 7733
1920 66th 3rd H.doc. 69 876 7863
1921 67th 2nd H.doc. 69 234 8057
1922 67th 3rd H.doc. 29 426 8135
1923 68th 1st H.doc. 84 30 8345
1924 68th 2nd H.doc. 78 422 8496
1925 69th 1st H.doc. 84 53 8645
1926 69th 2nd H.doc. 72 505 8788
1927 70th 1st H.doc. 64 30 8938
1928 70th 2nd H.doc. 78 390 9081
1929 71st 2nd H.doc. 66 205 9289
1930 71st 3rd H.doc. 92 559 9442
1931 72nd 1st H.doc. 85 40 9609
1932 72nd 2nd H.doc. 44 440 9712
1933 73rd 2nd H.doc. 49 144 9853
1934 74th 1st H.doc. 46 35 9958
1935 74th 2nd H.doc. 36 340 10055
1936 75th 1st H.doc. 43 30 10150
1937 75th 2nd H.doc. 21 400 10196
1938 75th 3rd H.doc. 24 715 10273
1939 76th 1st H.doc. 55 30 10374
1940 76th 3rd H.doc. 44 949 10518
1941 77th 1st H.doc. 45 29 10622
1942 Not included in Congressional documents
1943 78th 1st H.doc. 41 96 10816
1944 78th 2nd H.doc. 40 376 10904
1945 79th 1st H.doc. 37 68 10990
1946 79th 2nd H.doc. 48 638 11087
1947 80th 1st H.doc. 44 423 11179
1948 81st 1st H.doc. 21 62 11334
1949 81st 2nd H.doc. 33 386 11437
1950 82nd 1st H.doc. 20 28 11534
1951 82nd 2nd H.doc. 27 296 11623
1952 83rd 1st H.doc. 24 26 11703
1953-54 83rd 2nd H.doc. 31 274 11795
1955 84th 1st H.doc. 23 25 11862
1956 84th 2nd H.doc. 34 265 11954
1957 85th 1st H.doc. 26 25 12032
1958 85th 2nd H.doc. 29 275 12125
1959 86th 1st H.doc. 27 24 12208
1960 86th 2nd H.doc. 30 264 12297
1961 87th 1st H.doc. 50 88 12411
1962 87th 2nd H.doc. 37 274 12495
1963 88th 1st H.doc. 34 24 12598
1964 88th 2nd H.doc. 26 274 12656
1965 89th 1st H.doc. 24 24 12700


Disclaimer: This finding list is provided for general reference use only and is not indicative of the Serial Set or agency holdings at the College of Wooster. If you are looking for a report listed here, please check at your local depository library.