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U.S. Congressional Serial Set Finding List: Serial Set Volume Numbers and Corresponding SuDocs Numbers, 33rd Congress (Volumes 688 to 808)

Serial Set Volume Numbers and Corresponding SuDocs Numbers, 33rd Congress (Volumes 688 to 808)

PLEASE NOTE: The correlation of Serial Set volume numbers and SuDocs numbers in this finding list is intended as a guideline only, especially for earlier Congresses, due to the many discrepancies between the document and the departmental editions of many titles. For further information, please consult the section on the limitations of this project.

Serial Set Volume Number SuDocs Number
690 I 1.1:853, I 20.1:853, I 21.1:853, I 24.1:853, S 1.1:853
691 W 1.1:853/v.1
692 N 1.1:853, P 1.1:853, W 1.1:853/v.2
694 inc. GP 1.1:853, T 1.1:853
696 I 23.1/1:853/v.1
697 I 23.1/1:853/v.2
703 T 37.1:853
704 T 11.1:853
705 inc. SI 1.1:853
710 I 1.1:853, I 20.1:853, I 21.1:853, I 24.1:853, S 1.1:853
711 W 1.1:853/v.1
712 N 1.1:853, P 1.1:853, W 1.1:853/v.2
714 inc. T 1.1:853
716 T 11.1:853
719 I 23.1/1:853/v.1
720 I 23.1/1:853/v.2
721 inc. N 1.10:853, T 28.1:853, W 3.11:853
740 T 37.1:853
741 inc. I 1.51:853
746 inc. I 1.1:854, I 1.51:854, I 20.1:854, I 21.1:854, I 24.1:854, S 1.1:854
747 N 1.1:854, P 1.1:854, W 1.1:854
749 T 1.1:854
750 inc. T 37.1:854
751 inc. GP 1.1:854
753 I 23.1/1:854/v.1
754 I 23.1/1:854/v.2
755 I 23.1/1:854/v.3
757 T 11.1:854
772 inc. SI 1.1:854
777 inc. I 1.1:854, I 1.51:854, I 20.1:854, I 21.1:854, I 24.1:854, S 1.1:854
778 N 1.1:854, P 1.1:854, W 1.1:854
780 inc. T 1.1:854
783 inc. N 1.10:854, W 3.11:854
784 T 11.1:854
785 I 23.1/1:854/v.1
786 I 23.1/1:854/v.2
787 I 23.1/1:854/v.3
788 inc. T 28.1:854
806 T 37.1:854
807 inc. GP 1.1:854, SI 1.1:854

NOTE: "inc." indicates that the Serial Set volume does not completely correspond to the SuDocs number(s) listed; other documents are included in the Serial Set volume. "OR" indicates that more than one SuDocs number corresponds to the Serial Set volume listed.


Disclaimer: This finding list is provided for general reference use only and is not indicative of the Serial Set or agency holdings at the College of Wooster. If you are looking for a report listed here, please check at your local depository library.

The College of Wooster Libraries, March 2004
Editor: Jennifer E. McMullen
Contact: Mark Gooch