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U.S. Congressional Serial Set Finding List: Serial Set Volume Numbers and Corresponding SuDocs Numbers, 76th Congress (Volumes 10286 to 10540)

Serial Set Volume Numbers and Corresponding SuDocs Numbers, 76th Congress (Volumes 10286 to 10540)

PLEASE NOTE: The correlation of Serial Set volume numbers and SuDocs numbers in this finding list is intended as a guideline only, especially for earlier Congresses, due to the many discrepancies between the document and the departmental editions of many titles. For further information, please consult the section on the limitations of this project.

Serial Set Volume Number SuDocs Number
10315 inc. Y 3.N 21/6:1/938
10317 GP 1.1:938
10318 Y 3.N 21/5:1/938
10319 NA 1.1:938
10330 W 106.1:937
10348 inc. NMC 1.1:938, Y 3.M 58:1/938
10355-1 S 1.1:938/v.1
10355-2 S 1.1:938/v.2
10355-3 S 1.1:938/v.3
10355-4 S 1.1:938/v.4
10355-5 S 1.1:938/v.5
10356 T 1.1:938
10357 T 51.5:940
10358 T 12.1:938
10359 T 27.1:938
10360 FS 2.23:172-174
10361 W 3.11:939
10362 W 7.1/1:938/pt.1/v.1
10363 W 7.1/1:938/pt.1/v.2
10364 W 7.1/1:938/pt.2
10365 J 1.1:938
10366 P 1.1:938
10367 N 1.10:939
10368 I 28.37:939
10369 A 1.10:939
10370 A 29.45:937
10371 C 18.19:938
10372 C 14.14:939/nos.1-12
10373 C 3.134:939
10374 C 25.11:939
10375 C 21.6:938
10376 L 2.3:659-662
10377 L 2.3:663-666
10378 L 2.3:667-670
10379 DC 1.1:938
10381 FCA 1.1:938
10382 Y 3.F 31/3:1/938
10383 FP 1.1:938
10384 FT 1.1:938
10386 IC 1.1:938
10387 LC 1.1:938
10388 AR 1.6:v.73/pts.1-6
10389 AR 1.6:v.73/pts.7-12
10390 W 105.1:937
10392 SI 1.1:938/v.1
10393 SI 1.1:938/v.2 OR SI 3.1:938
10394 SI 2.3:124
10395 SI 2.3:125
10396 SI 2.3:126
10397 SI 4.1:938
10398 SS 1.1:938
10399 Y 3.T 25:1/938
10400 inc. CS 1.1:938, EC 1.1:938, MC 1.1:938, T 22.1:938, TC 1.1:938, VA 1.1:938, W 79.1:938, Y 3.F 31/11:1/938
10405 T 1.1:939
10406 T 22.1:939
10407 FS 2.1:939
10408 W 3.11:940
10409 W 7.1/1:939/pt.1/v.1
10410 W 7.1/1:939/pt.1/v.2
10411 W 7.1/1:939/pt.2
10412 J 1.1:939
10413 P 1.1:939
10414 C 14.14:940/nos.1-12
10415 CS 1.1:939
10416 DC 1.1:939
10417 FP 1.1:939
10418 FT 1.1:939
10419 GA 1.1:939
10420 IC 1.1:939
10421 LC 1.1:939
10422 SI 1.1:939/v.1
10423 SI 1.1:939/v.2 OR SI 3.1:939
10424 SI 2.3:127
10425 EC 1.1:939, MC 1.1:939, TC 1.1:939, VA 1.1:939, W 79.1:939
10469 inc. Y 3.N 21/6:1/939, Y 3.N 21/6:1/940
10470 GP 1.1:939
10471 Y 3.N 21/5:1/939
10472 NA 1.1:939
10474 NA 1.1:940
10476 NMC 1.1:939
10477 W 106.1:938
10483 FA 1.1:935-939
10496 NMC 1.1:940/1
10499 W 106.1:939
10501 inc. Y 3.M 58:1/939
10506 Pr 32.107:941
10507-1 S 1.1:939/v.1
10507-2 S 1.1:939/v.2
10507-3 S 1.1:939/v.3
10507-4 S 1.1:939/v.4
10507-5 S 1.1:939/v.5
10508 T 12.1:939
10510 N 1.10:940
10511 I 28.37:940
10513 A 1.10:940
10514 A 72.1:939
10515 C 18.19:939
10516 C 14.14:941/nos.1-12
10517 C 3.134:940
10518 C 25.11:940
10519 C 21.6:939
10520 L 2.3:671-676
10521 L 2.3:677-679
10522 L 2.3:680
10523 L 2.3:681-683
10524 L 2.3:684
10525 L 2.3:685
10528 FL 3.1:939
10529 SS 1.1:939
10530 FS 2.23:175
10531 AR 1.6:v.74/pts.1-6
10532 AR 1.6:v.74/pts/7-12
10533 SI 2.3:128
10534 SI 2.3:129
10535 SI 2.3:130
10536 SI 2.3:131
10537 SI 4.1:939
10538 Y 3.T 25:1/939
10539 inc. FL 2.1:939
10540 GP 3.5:no.25

NOTE: "inc." indicates that the Serial Set volume does not completely correspond to the SuDocs number(s) listed; other documents are included in the Serial Set volume. "OR" indicates that more than one SuDocs number corresponds to the Serial Set volume listed.


Disclaimer: This finding list is provided for general reference use only and is not indicative of the Serial Set or agency holdings at the College of Wooster. If you are looking for a report listed here, please check at your local depository library.

The College of Wooster Libraries, March 2004
Editor: Jennifer E. McMullen
Contact: Mark Gooch